The Keys To Successfully Operating Your Kidney Disease Website
If it's possible, try to avoid using Flash on your kidneypedia website. There are more cons than pros in using them. For one, they slow down loading on your web pages. This will make you lose traffic because they won't be patient enough to wait around. Two, Flash doesn't show up on Apple devices like Mac, iPhones, and even iPads. This will lose the huge markets that have the popular Apple products.
Video is a strong tool in engaging your audience. It could be something as simple as recording yourself talking to the web cam or a short about a certain topic you've been writing about. The possibilities are endless; just be sure that it relates to your site.
Launching a traffic contest amongst your peers is a very direct way to get viewers. Ask the participants to direct traffic to the contest page, producing a viral effect, or to a resource page with a giveaway. Establish a sensible time-frame and prize, then check your web analytics at the end to see which kidneypedia website sent you the most visitors.
With high content kidneypedia websites, it's important for your search function to be easy to find and fully functional. Your visitors must be able to quickly and efficiently find the information that they're looking for, or else they'll be looking for other sites that can give them that info.
Gaining information and feedback from your visitors is valuable information for you kidneypedia website. If you offer contact or questionnaire forms, keep it as clear and simple as possible. Don't make them get confused and have to guess like what should go in which box. It will be hard enough to persuade them to actually fill it out and submit it, so don't take any chances by making it unclear on what they should do.
Comment contests can be a fun one for the readers. They must leave a comment on your article to be entered into the drawing. This not only gets you the initial visit to the post, but also might inspire them to comment more frequently, especially if a lively conversation takes place in the comments.
Using that creativity to write an eBook can generate a lot of interest. Release it on your kidneypedia website and include a link to download it. Be sure and email bloggers and webmasters that share your interests to let them know about the release so they can recommend it to others.
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