Kidney Infection Causes, Treatments and Preventive Measures
There are many components to a kidney infection treatment. To begin with, you need to be specific with what has been the reason for the renal infection. This kind of infection has 3 typical causes, namely kidney stones, sexual intercourse, and pregnancy.Kidney stones block the flow of urine when they are stuck in the ureters.
As a result, instead of flowing to the bladder, the urine needs to go back to the kidneys, which will infect the kidneys. This can cause inflammation and, ultimately, pain.For women, sexual intercourse may be the source of renal infection because through the vagina and urethra, bacteria can enter the urinary system. Once the bacteria enter the system, they can ascend to the kidneys and infect the organ.As for pregnant women, they are also vulnerable to renal infection simply because the enlarged uterus increases the pressure on the ureters, which slows down the flow of urine to the bladder. This can also result in renal infection.
Upon knowing the reason for the infection, the treatment will start with the doctor's specific prescription of antibiotics. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, the doctor will prescribe certain antibiotics and the corresponding dosage. You have to immediately start your medication to ensure that you can begin killing the bacteria. You also have to make sure that you maintain and/ or finish the medication to ensure that all the bacteria will be killed and flushed out of the body. With this, make sure to drink plenty of water or fluids so that you are hydrated and so that the toxins will be removed from your body.To stop a repeated infection and avoid another kidney infection treatment, be more meticulous of hygiene practices (especially for women). You might also eat cranberries or take in cranberry juice because these are proven to be beneficial in the prevention of renal infection.
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