Kidney Discomfort In Kidney Infections and Kidney Stones
Renal pain is extremely agonizing and is often followed by other signs and symptoms that can help you determine that it's renal pain, and not the ordinary muscular back pain.As one of the symptoms of these two diseases, kidney pain will be described further in each case along with the other signs and symptoms that go along with it. Treatment will also be discussed.
Kidney Stone Kidney stones are made up of excess uric acid, calcium or cystine that do not get filtered out from your body. When they accumulate within the bladder, these stones get lodged in the ureter and prevent urine flow. As a result, urine must go back again up to the kidney, which then results to kidney swelling - the source of extreme pain. The kind of pain experienced due to kidney stone is extremely severe such that a person finds himself or herself always moving around. Pain would also travel down to the abdomen and groin as the stone travels.With this pain, other signs and symptoms of kidney stone are obvious such as urine abnormalities (i.e. change in colour, foamy, contains blood), nausea due to waste accumulation, vomiting, and swelling of certain areas of the body.
To minimize the pain, one has to get rid of the stone by drinking a lot of water, taking medicines to eliminate uric acid stone, or diuretics. However, in the event the stone is already too big, surgery may be needed.
Kidney Infection Pyelonephritis, a type of urinary tract infection may also cause sharp kidney pain because of the inflammation that its bacterial infection causes. Back pain and abdominal pain are important signs and symptoms.Other signs and symptoms that come with this pain are painful urination, frequent urination, increased urination at night, fever, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.
To deal with the pain, a physician prescribes antibiotics to patients to kill the bacteria and control the infection. The typical anti-biotics are amoxicillin and cephalosporin.You will find still other illnesses which have kidney pain as one of its symptoms, and should not be removed as possible reasons. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor.
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